
My name is Amya Miller.

I started something called the Gaijin Group in 2010 in an attempt to create an online community for gaijins all over the world. There’s something about those of us who have experienced Japan that makes us different. Sometimes these differences come out when we return “home” and find we don’t fit in. At other times we crave people with similar experiences who can relate to our need for good ramen. I truly believe we are in a sense long-lost cousins.

The Gaijin Group can be found at http://www.gaijingroup.com and on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter under the same name (Gaijin Group).

I was born and raised in Japan and spent the first 18 years of my life there. Since then, I have worked for twenty years as an interpreter, liaison, problem solver and behind-the-scenes consultant.  I own and run Lupine and Co.  (www.lupineandco.com) and live in the Boston area.

I miss people who get me and seek out people with shared backgrounds. This blog is about celebrating life as a gaijin.

Every now and then I will throw in a “notable gaijin” interview.  If you would like to be interviewed for this column, please shoot me an e-mail to amya@gaijingroup.com.

You can find me on LinkedIn and Facebook under Amya Miller.

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