Where’s George Clooney?

Earthquakes.  Tsunamis.  Nuclear reactor malfunctions.  One is enough.  To get hit with all three is a major catastrophe.  Why then, may I please ask, has the world not shown Japan the kind of help seen in Haiti (earthquake) and in Indonesia and Thailand (tsunami)?  What is this?  Japan is a “rich” country and can take care of itself?  Really?  Is this how we define who gets relief and humanitarian support?

Where are the celebrities donating money?  Where are the telethons?  Where are the public service announcements?  Where’s Sean Penn?  George Clooney?  Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?  Why isn’t the world jumping to offer money, food, water, fuel, blankets, clothing and medical supplies?  How is this not “discrimination” against a developed nation?  Someone explain this to me please.

You want to do something?  Donate to http://www.hands.org.  This is a small non-profit that sends people all over the world.  They were in Indonesia after the tsunami.  They’ve been in Haiti (and are still there).  They helped with Katrina.  They’re small enough that money doesn’t get sucked up into overhead (like some other large relief organizations I won’t mention) and the money gets to those in need sooner.

Evidently for Japan it’s up to the “small” people to get things done.  Shame.  I really like(d) George Clooney.

About gaijins

I'm a gaijin (foreigner who spent time in Japan). I lived there as an outsider for 18 years. This shaped who I am today.
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